2024 JWA Sasquatch Hunt FAQs

Q. What is a Sasquatch Hunt? Are you looking for real Sasquatches?

A. The 2024 JWA Sasquatch Hunt is a scavenger hunt where clues will lead you to different locations around King and Snohomish counties. We aren’t exactly sure if you will see a real Sasquatch (it is the PNW after all), but this contest is designed to find specific locations based on the clues or GPS coordinates provided. It’s like Amazing Race meets geocaching meets Sasquatchin’!

Q. This event is put on by Jeepers with Attitude. Do you have to have a Jeep to participate?

A. No. Jeepers with Attitude is a local Jeep club holding this event as a fundraiser for the Stars and Stripes Charitable Alliance. The route is mostly all on paved roads, so any vehicle is suitable for Sasquatch Hunting!

Q. Is this a family friendly event?

A. Absolutely! This is a great way to spend the day with your family! And who knows, at the end of the day, your Team may be $500 richer when you win the Grand Prize!

Q. Why do we need to Pre-Register for the event?

A. Due to the level of planning required to make this event successful, we ask that Teams pre-register prior to August 1st, if possible. Pre-registration allows us to determine the number of participants so we have the resources ready for all teams to have an equally wonderful adventure and experience. Besides, if you pre-register by August 1st, you will enjoy special pricing and extra swag.

Q. How much does it cost to participate? Is it per person or per team?

A. Registration fees are per team. If you register by August 1, 2024, team registration is only $35 and includes a free event tee shirt and extra swag. Additional tee shirts may be purchased for $15 each. Registration after August 1st is $40 per team. There will be no same day registration available.

Q. It says the route goes from Arlington to North Bend and Skykomish. Will I have to go to all those locations?

A. No. In fact, it would be difficult, if not impossible, for anyone to reach all the clue stops on the route. You will have to use your best judgement to decide which route will be best, or which you would prefer to drive.

Q. How many Sasquatch clue stops are there?

A. There will be almost 100 different Sasquatch clue stops for you to choose from. Some will be locations Sasquatch has been seen and others will be businesses we know Sasquatch likes to go to… 😉

Q. Are the clues hard? Will the average person be able to solve them?

A. The clues are not hard. Every clue answer should be something that you are able to google to find the answer for based on the information provided.

Q. How will you keep people from cheating by uploading photos they have already taken of these locations?

A. On the day of the Hunt, all Teams will receive their special Sasquatch that must be included in all the photographs uploaded as solutions to the clues. Only clue answers with these Sasquatches included in the photo will count.

Q. Who is judging the competition?

A. JWA has employed a third-party judge to tally the results on the day of the event to avoid any conflicts of interest. This judge will be in a remote location and will tally results from submissions received through the 2024 JWA Sasquatch Hunt app.

Q. Why should I show up at Sasquatch Headquarters (located at Route2 Taproom in Monroe) at 9:00 a.m. if the contest doesn’t start until 10:00 a.m.?

A. Teams will have the opportunity to receive their clues at 9:00 a.m. so they may start identifying clue stop locations before the 10:00 a.m. start time. Please be advised that any vehicle that leaves the parking area prior to 10:00 a.m. will be disqualified. All submissions are time stamped so we’ll know if you start early.

Q. Are there other ways to be disqualified?

A. Yes! If you are reported as a public safety concern by any peace officer, you will be disqualified. You will also be disqualified if you are found to be harming any Sasquatches, live or otherwise, during this event.

Q. Do we have to be back to Sasquatch Headquarters by 4:00 p.m.?

A. No. Your last clue must be submitted by 4:00p.m. but you can make your way back to Sasquatch Headquarters immediately after the submission of your last clue.

Q. When will winners be announced?

A. We will begin announcing prize winners at 5:00p.m. at the Sasquatch After Party at Route2 Taproom. Participants will be able to enjoy discounts on food and beverage purchases. The grand prize winner will be announced as soon as all results have been finalized which should be no later than 7:00 p.m. when the live music starts.

Q. Do we have to be present to win?

A. No. As long as all of your clues have been validated and you have officially checked back in, you do not have to be present to win your prize.

Q. What happens if I have problems with the app and cannot upload my clues?

A. We recommend everyone keep a photo on their phones of all submissions made during the contest in the event something is not submitted correctly. Our app is very dependable; however, we will make whatever adjustments are necessary to ensure everyone who has a time stamped photo of their clue response gets counted.

Q. What happens if I have problems on the hunt?

A. There will be a Sasquatch Hotline you can call on the day of the hunt if you run into any problems with the course route or the official Sasquatch app.

Register now!

Register now for the 2024 JWA Sasquatch Hunt!

Pre-Registration pricing through August 1, 2024

If you have questions, please

Email us at jeeperswithattitude.com

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